(Originally Published September 23, 2018)

| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |

Wondering how to choose the best office cleaning service in Kitchener, Ontario - or anywhere across Canada? In part 3 of our Office Cleaning Kitchener Series, we'll give you helpful tips on how to find the best cleaning service for you and your business. With so many different options to choose from, finding the right one can be a challenge. With these tips, you'll easily narrow down your search! Want to learn more about commercial cleaners in Kitchener? Contact the cleaning experts at Kitchener Clean now!

Office Cleaning Kitchener - How To Choose The Best Service

Working with a professional commercial cleaning service is a great way to keep your office or workplace clean, sanitized, and healthier for everyone who spends time in it - from employees to customers. A clean office can also increase employee productivity, overall moral, and help reduce sick days! However, a poor quality cleaning company can make things harder at work, by causing disruptions and schedule conflicts, or by providing consistent inadequate cleans.

So, how do you choose the best service and ensure you end up working with high-quality, professional cleaners? Here are the top 7 things to look out for that will help you find the best commercial cleaning service!

#1 - the best commercial cleaners have knowledgable staff

Although you may not know a lot about cleaning techniques, your commercial cleaners should! When you work with the best cleaning service, you will soon discover that they know all the right techniques to provide a thorough clean and proper sanitation. Your cleaners will also know what tools to use and when it is appropriate to use them.

A professional cleaning company who cares about their work will have efficient and up-to-date cleaning tools. All staff will be well trained on all the tools and techniques, so if you have any questions or concerns regarding cleaning methods, they can quickly answer.

Before you choose a commercial cleaner, you should ask about their techniques, the machinery they use, and all sanitation methods. If staff can provide you with detailed information, that's a good sign you are working with a knowledgable company!

#2 - the best commercial cleaners work within your budget

When you work with a professional cleaning service, you should feel good about what you are paying. Remember, however, that the cheapest price does not always mean the best service. If something looks too good to be true, it usually is! Still, the best commercial cleaners will be affordable and understand budget restrictions.

A professional company will work with you to find a plan and schedule that works well for all of your needs as well as your budget. Talk to your potential new cleaners to see what prices they offer, how many different plans they have, and what options fall within your budget.

At Kitchener Clean, we offer a wide variety of services ranging in price, so no matter what your budget, there is a service that's right for you! Click here to learn about our Leaf Levels of Service!

#3 - the best commercial cleaners are dependable and reliable

When you work with a great commercial cleaning company, you will quickly notice they are dependable and reliable. You are busy enough as it is! You should never have to worry about or guess when your cleaners will arrive at your office.

A professional, experienced cleaning company will work closely with their clients to create a cleaning schedule that works well for everyone. Since cleaning can create disruptions in the office, the best cleaners always do their best to avoid any unnecessary disruptions as much as possible while sticking to your schedule. Keep in mind that dependable cleaners also provide dependable work!

You can rest assured that every clean will be as good as the last. It is also a good idea to ask your potential cleaners for references to see what other clients have to say.

#4 - the best commercial cleaners always provide high-quality work

The best commercial cleaning company will always strive to provide their clients with the high-quality work. "Good enough" should not be your commercial cleaner's slogan! When you work with a professional cleaning company, you will soon see that they don't just meet your expectations, they actually exceed them!

A great cleaning service will also take pride in their work. When their staff arrives at your office, you'll see that they actually enjoy their work too. Cleaners who love what they do always meet more than just the bare minimum standards. When you work with the best commercial cleaners, you will never have to ask them to re-clean or re-do any work. Great cleaners will leave everything cleaner than you've ever imagined!

At Kitchener Clean, you will never need to re-clean anything! We promise to regularly follow-up with you to ensure that our Office Care Technicians have done a thorough job. We ensure that even the dirtiest and highest trafficked areas like your bathrooms, kitchen and staff rooms will sparkle.

#5 - the best commercial cleaners pay attention to detail

When you work with an experienced company who values high-quality work, attention to detail will also follow.

The best commercial cleaners who care about their work and has all the right know-how will also pay close attention to detail. Sometimes, corners, and "often-forgotten" spaces like window ledges or under desks get left out during routine cleans.

However, experienced and professional cleaners will never skip over these often-forgotten places. They will take the time to clean under things, on top of ledges, around desks and other missed spots.

You should ask your cleaners what areas they spend the most time cleaning. If they mention cleaning under things instead of just around them, it is likely you are dealing with a company that pays close attention to detail!

#6 - The Best commercial cleaners communicate and want to hear your feedback

One of the most frustrating things a business owner can face is working with a company that has poor communication or customer service. A great cleaning service will be easy to get in touch with, always speak to you professionally, and will also want to hear your feedback.

Remember, no one is perfect. Even the most experienced and professional companies may find themselves in a situation where a client or customer is unsure about or unhappy with their service. Situations like this separate great cleaners from unprofessional services. A great commercial cleaning company will not avoid feedback or constructive criticism. Instead, they will actively seek out feedback to ensure clients feel happy and all needs are met!

A professional cleaning service will always look for productive feedback, whether by encouraging online reviews and testimonials, asking over the phone or in person, or conducting regular check-ins with business owners.

#7 - The best commercial cleaners accommodate your unique workplace

The best commercial cleaning services will work hard to accommodate all of your workplace's unique needs. For example, many employees suffer from office allergies or asthma, which can be easily exacerbated by harsh cleaning chemicals.

A great commercial cleaning service will have environmentally friendly cleaning options, or exclusively use these products to ensure everyone at your workplace feels better, not worse, after a clean.

A great cleaning service will also work with you to find a schedule that fits best for everyone. Professional services understand that not all offices or workplaces are 9-5! Great cleaners will be at your office when you would most prefer, not whenever is most convenient for them.

Questions To Ask Your Potential Commercial Cleaners

Now that you have narrowed down your search, there is still some work to do! Before you finally select your new cleaners, you should have a conversation with them. Ensure you ask the following questions to help confirm that they align with the 7 points above, and that they will fit well with your current schedule and workplace environment.

  • What size(s) of offices/workplaces do you normally clean? - If you have a huge office but your cleaners only do small jobs, you may want to work with a different company.
  • What type(s) of workplaces do your normally clean? - Do you have an unconventional office? Or maybe you don't work in an office at all! Ask to see if they have experience with your type of workplace.
  • When are you available? - Are the cleaners available during your office hours, or theirs? Are they flexible? Are you flexible?
  • What could our potential cleaning schedule look like? - Find out what their typical clients' cleaning schedule looks like to see if that is something that will work for you.
  • What plans/options do you have? - Do you need weekly cleaning? Monthly cleaning? Find out how frequently your cleaners can come and what services they provide during each clean.
  • Do you have insurance? - Ensure your new cleaners have liability insurance. Ask how much that insurance covers.
  • How many years of experience do you have? - An experienced company is not necessarily a better company, but it is a good idea to see how long your company has been in business.
  • What cleaning products do you use? - Do you have any environmental concerns? Do you prefer a company that uses green cleaning products? Ask these questions, as it will help you determine if a company aligns with your values.
  • Can you give me a quote? - Getting a quote will help you figure out if their services are within your prince range and budget.

How To Ensure You Get The Best Deal

If you have done your research and feel comfortable with your potential commercial cleaners, the final step is to ensure you are getting a fair price. The list below will help ensure that you are getting a good deal. Remember - a good deal doesn't mean the lowest price! It means a fair price. See how to ensure you work with a fair and reputable company:

  • Clear and transparent pricing - A good cleaning company will be 100% transparent about their cleaning costs and pricing. You should not be left wondering what your office cleaners will be cleaning and how much the job will cost you at the end of it all. Transparent pricing and an honest company will usually help to ensure you are getting a good deal, no matter what the overall cost.
  • Lowest price does not always mean the best value - Don't be fooled into thinking that the lowest price will necessarily give you the best value. Low prices can be great, especially for small offices with limited budgets. However, you often "get what you pay for." If one quote is significantly lower than all the rest, you may not be getting the best deal. What you initially save in money, you may lose in quality. If that happens, you might have to re-clean yourself or hire another company to come in and finish the job. This can end up costing you more!
  • Good Overall Reviews - Online reviews are becoming more and more popular, and many customers now rely on online reviews to help choose their cleaning companies. Of course, no company will have a perfect score. However, reading mostly positive reviews online, especially reviews that mention price, will help you determine if you are getting a good deal.
  • See what's included - If Company A charges $60.00 per visit and includes a thorough kitchen and bathroom clean, while Company B charges $45.00 per visit and only includes a light wipe-down of the kitchen, then you may want to go with company A instead. As mentioned above, price isn't everything. Seeing all the services provided for the cost of the job will help you determine if you're paying a fair price.
  • Company experience - An experienced company will be able to do more and charge you less as they have learned what works and what is a fair price for each service.

Looking For Commercial Cleaners in Kitchener?

Kitchener Clean is a locally owned and operated family business, so we treat our customers like we would treat our own family - with respect. We value integrity, consistency, and thoroughness with all of our clients. We also use non-toxic cleaning methods to keep you, your staff, and your clients breathing cleaner!

Did you know that Kitchener Clean started out as a home cleaning company? Today we are still firmly committed to cleaning your office as thoroughly as we would our own home. We are also dedicated to great customer service, honesty, and integrity.

At Kitchener Clean, we believe that our Office Care Technicians are a key reason we are so successful. We strive to hire the best Office Care Professionals in the business. We take security seriously so all of our staff are bonded and have undergone police checks.

Our reputation is important to us, so we guarantee all of our services. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply contact us and we will return within 24 hours to address your concern at no additional cost.

We even guarantee our response time. If we haven’t responded to any client communication within 24 hours of receiving it, we will offer you a free week of Office Care. That is how strongly we feel about the importance of communication and customer satisfaction. We will always stand behind our work. We guarantee it.

“Great quality and feedback, these guys are very professional
and an excellent cleaning company.”

-- Robert, A Kitchener Clean Customer!